D9.117 –Fluence to dose conversion coefficients for non-reference phantoms for photons and neutrons

Pasquale Lombardo, Maria Zankl

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The goal of the PODIUM project is to develop a software application that allows calculation of the radiation worker doses of interest by combining positioning information from a staff monitoring system and information on the radiation field. The aim is to provide fast dose calculations for workers moving in realistic workplace fields. These calculations will be based on Monte Carlo (MC) methods and need to employ a variety of computational body phantoms, assuming various postures inside the radiation field (e.g., standing, bending over something, hands stretched out into the radiation field) and having different body statures (tall, small, broad). One approach is using a library of pre-calculated conversion coefficients as a first approach of the fast online dosimetry application for workers in the realistic workplaces of WP4 (interventional radiology) and WP5 (neutron fields). For this purpose, a database of pre-calculated fluence to organ and effective dose conversion coefficients was established. This database will cover different relevant phantom postures, statures and positions in the field as well as photons and neutrons of different energies and in different irradiation geometries. Deliverable D9.117 is presenting fluence to dose conversion coefficients for phantoms having non-reference statures, for photons and neutrons.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages9
    StatePublished - 1 Jan 2020

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