D9.121 – Final Reportof the PODIUM project

Filip Vanhavere, Olivier Van Hoey, Pasquale Lombardo, Mahmoud Abdelrahman, Maria Amor Duch, Anja Almén, Una O'Connor, Rick Tanner, Eleftheria Carinou

    Research outputpeer-review

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    Monitoring the individual exposure of workers constitutes an integral part of any radiation protection programme. At present, personal dosimetry is typically performed by issuing staff with physical dosemeters. The objective of PODIUM was to improve occupational dosimetry by an innovative approach: the development of an online dosimetry application based on computer simulations without the use of physical dosemeters. Operational quantities and protection quantities can, in theory, be assessed based on the use of modern technology such as personal tracking devices and flexible individualized phantoms. When combined with fast simulation codes, personal dosimetry could be possible in real-time. PODIUM can be considered a feasibility project to take the first steps towards such a novel dosimetric approach. The availability of the proposed online personal dosimetry approach can overcome the problems that arise from the use of current passive and active dosemeters. Such limitations include the uncertainty in assessing neutron and photon doses, especially when part of the body is shielded, the delay in calculating the doses and the situation where workers position dosemeters incorrectly. In addition, it will increase awareness of radiation protection among workers and improve the application of the ALARA principle. This PODIUM approach was performed using a combination of (i) monitoring of the position of workers in real time and (ii) the spatial radiation field, including its energy and angular distribution. The movement of workers needs to be monitored by modern cameras and software. The radiation field map of the workplace can be based on analytical calculations or more advanced Monte Carlo (MC) calculations. A variety of computational body phantoms can be used, assuming various postures inside the radiation field and having different body statures. Because of the limited time frame, an intermediate approach with pre-calculated fluence to dose conversion coefficients for phantoms of different statures and postures was also used. The methodology was applied and validated for two situations where improvements in dosimetry are urgently needed: neutron and interventional radiology workplaces.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages147
    StatePublished - 24 Jan 2020

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