Data base of good practices: EAGLE e-library of communication material about ionizing radiation

Blanka Koron, Tanja Perko, Nadja Železnik

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    According to the Description of work (DoW) within EAGLE project for public platform following was foreseen: Task 4.5: Public platform for communication on ionising radiation In order to efficiently share and disseminate the good practices and project results, and in order to facilitate communication and connections among stakeholder, the web site together with the “EAGLE Stakeholder Platform” will be launched and promoted. For maintaining the dialogue with stakeholder and “feeding” the stakeholders networks, new social media (e.g. Linked- in) will also be used. SCK•CEN will establish the Platform and will coordinate the content that will be contributed from all partners. The REC will constantly update and maintain the content of the Platform and facilitate the communication flow. The way on how to keep the platform operating and sustainable will be explored during the project. In beginning of the second project implementation year the Public platform for communication about ionizing radiation was launched as a subpage od the main EAGLE website. The platform was established as a virtual library of public communication, information and education material about ionizing radiation in several languages. Its aim is to share, disseminate and even connect stakeholders. EAGLE e-library of communication material about ionizing radiation is composed of active internet links to third parties’ websites. The links are gathered in seven section, covering dangers, safety and protection topics; radon issue; general information about IR; medical aspects; incidents and accidents; but also different radiation uses and information and material for relevant for schools. The platform is designed in a way that stakeholders also can contribute their inputs – interesting links in several languages. Its design enable flexibility for growing potential. It also gives the opportunity to find good examples and ideas how to approach the topics.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages21
    StatePublished - 10 Aug 2016

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