Deliverable 3.5: Y3 synthesis report

Kristel Mijnendonckx, Joe Small, Liam Abrahamsen-Mills, Karsten Pedersen, Joan Govaerts, Natalie Leys

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Microbiology In Nuclear waste Disposal (MIND) is a multidisciplinary project with the goal of addressing key microbiology technical issues that must be tackled to support the implementation of planned waste disposal across the EU. The project addresses the influence of microbial processes on organic waste forms and their behaviour (WP1), and on the technical and long-term performance of repository components (WP2). This report is a synthesis of the outcome of the experimental and modelling research activities in WP1 and WP2, performed over the first 3 years of the project. The scope of the report is broad, covering all completed scientific and ‘in progress’ projects contained within MIND. The emphasis in this report is on the description of the degradation processes that can be expected and the environmental boundary conditions under which they can occur. For each work package, a summary of conclusions is provided focussed on the relevance of the research findings to microbiological uncertainties concerning the implementation of nuclear waste disposal. In addition, the outcomes and key findings of the MIND project to date are related to issues concerning nuclear waste disposal identified by the project Implementers Review Board (IRB).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages87
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2018

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