Deliverable D8.1 - Proceedings book workshop 1

M. Manzolaro, S. Corradetti, Gaia Pupillo, Lucia Popescu

    Research outputpeer-review

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    This deliverable is the Proceedings book of the PRISMAP workshop 1 “PRISMAP workshop on emerging infrastructures and technical developments”.
    The Workshop on Emerging Infrastructures and Technical Developments was organised at Legnaro National Laboratories on 21-24 November 2022. The Workshop gave a general update on international facilities producing radionuclides, identified the most promising radionuclides on which production R&D shall focus in the near future, and presented the latest technical developments on targets, ion sources and mass separation techniques. This is one of the two events organised within the WP8: Involvement of Emerging Infrastructures.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages106
    StatePublished - 28 Apr 2023

    Publication series

    NamePRISMAP Reports

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