Desarrollo de un método de predicción de la demanda eléctrica mediante técnicas de aprendizaje automático, para el estudio de ciclos de combustible nuclear

    Research output

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    When we think about what electricity production entails, we don’t see how much is actually spent in terms of resources and money, since this involves a large number of expenses to produce what is necessary for the country and/or region. That is why it is important to think before the total demand exceeds the total generation. This is where Machine Learning comes into play, preparing for future cases that will arise in the next years or decades and preventing them from becoming an unpleasant surprise.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationCivil Engineer
    Awarding Institution
    • UCM - Universidad Católica del Maule
    • López, Xaviera, Supervisor, External person
    • Merino Rodriguez, Ivan, Supervisor, External person
    • Romojaro, Pablo, SCK CEN Mentor
    Date of Award1 May 2023
    StatePublished - 1 May 2023

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