Design and test of a robust multi-channel programmable sensor interface circuit for use in extreme environments

Kristof Van Cutsem, Marc Dierckx

    Research output

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    The attractive and special features of many innovative products depend on the applied sensor systems, which enable their interaction with the physical environment. Where possible the use of smart sensor systems is preferred. Smart sensors systems are equipped with both the sensing elements and the electronics needed for accurate signal processing. On the input side of the sensor system, on the interface between the sensor element and the signal processing electronics, no standards are available. Sensors can be based on a capacitive effect but also on resistive effects and many more. The output information can be represented by a current, a voltage, a frequency... Optimization of the sensor electronics for the numerous types of electrical signals and sensor characteristics therefore requires dedicated designs for each of the particular sensor elements making the development of sensor systems rather tedious. This thesis aims at the design and implementation of a single interface circuit for a very wide variety of capacitive, resistive, and potentiometric sensors and actuators. The circuit will be designed using high temperature building blocks which will enable to use of the system in harsh environments, such as the ones encountered in nuclear systems like ITER and MYRRHA.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Universiteit Gent
    • De Cock, Wouter, Supervisor
    • Tavernier, Stefaan, Supervisor, External person
    Place of PublicationGent, Belgium
    StatePublished - 24 Jun 2011

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