Design of the benchmarking exercise: Deliverable D2.5

Paolo Peerani, Sven Boden, Marielle Crozet, F. Zanovello, Margarita Herranz, R. Serrano, Danièle Roudil

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One of the cornerstones of the INSIDER project is the validation of the techniques for radiological characterisation of plants and sites (all dealt within work packages 3, 4 and 5), through Inter-Laboratory Comparisons and Benchmark Exercises. ILC's are intended to compare and evaluate analytical techniques through measurement campaigns of specific synthetic samples, developed to reproduce samples typical of decommissioning projects. Production of these reference samples is performed in WP4 and the organisation of ILC is under WP6. On the other hand the benchmark exercises are intended to be organised in real conditions, using facilities and operations offered by the project partners, responding to the usage cases outlined in the project description and representing typical problematics to be faced in decommissioning programmes. The benchmark exercises are designed in WP2, hosted by the partners offering their facility and executed by the partners of the three technical work packages for the part of their competence (WP3 for sampling strategy, WP4 for laboratory analysis and WP5 for in-situ measurement). Finally WP6 will be responsible for analysis of results. The present document outlines the benchmark exercises by: · defining the goals and objectives of the exercises · describing the selection procedure · describing the selected facilities · outlining the measurement methodology and data analysis
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEC - European Commission
Number of pages19
StatePublished - 19 Jun 2018

Publication series

PublisherEC - European Commission
No.Insider D2.5

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