Design, safety and fuel developments for the EFIT accelerator-driven system with CERCER and CERMET cores

W. Maschek, C. Artioli, X. Chen, F. Delage, A. Fernandez-Carretero, M. Flad, A. Fokau, F. Gabrielli, G. Glinatsis, P. Liu, L. Mansani, C. Matzerath Boccaccini, G. Petrovich, A. Rineiski, M. Sarotto, M. Schikorr, Vitaly Sobolev, S. Wang, Y. Zhang, Didier De Bruyn

    Research outputpeer-review


    European R&D for ADS design, fuel and general technology development is driven in the 6th FP of the EU by the EUROTRANS programme. In EUROTRANS, two ADS design routes are followed, the XT-ADS and the EFIT. The longer-term EFIT development, the European Facility for Industrial Transmutation aims at a generic conceptual design of a full transmuter. The Domain DM3 (AFTRA), responsible for fuel development within EUROTRANS, developed a core loaded with a Mo-92 CERMET matrix-based fuel. The core coolant and the windowless target is lead. The EFIT concept was intended to be optimised towards: a good transmutation efficiency, high burn-up, low reactivity swing, low power peaking, adequate subcriticality, reasonable beam requirements and a high level of safety. In the current paper the two designs are reported and discussed. For the project, detailed design calculations have been performed both with deterministic and Monte Carlo methods. An extensive safety study is under way for the CERCER reference core. For the CERMET core the most important safety analyses have already been performed, sufficient for a preliminary safety assessment. The results of the CERMET safety analyses are given.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationActinide and fission product partitioning and transmutation. Tenth Information Exchange Meeting.
    Place of PublicationParis, France
    StatePublished - Feb 2010
    EventTenth Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation - Kioto
    Duration: 6 Oct 200810 Oct 2008


    ConferenceTenth Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation

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