Developing a virtual reality research reactor in support of safeguards education and training

    Research outputpeer-review


    Access to nuclear facilities and nuclear material for education and training is not straightforward due to the reduced number of available facilities but also because of safety and security regulations. The logistic and administrative burden related to the organization of such activities is also quite significant. However, the hands-on activities are an essential component in the learning process and are most often greatly appreciated by participants. Virtual reality (VR) offers a valuable alternative to in-person hands-on activities given its level of realism and detail. Improvements in both software and hardware over the past years made VR more accessible to a broad audience. In the frame of the Virtual Platform for Safeguards Education and Training (VIPSET), SCK CEN developed a model of a nuclear research reactor using VR. The current VR facility includes a graphite-moderated research reactor as well as fresh and spent fuel storage areas. The user can walk through the facility and can perform basic non-destructive assay (NDA) measurements using a hand-held gamma-ray detector. The VR facility can be accessed via a web-browser interface, thus no specific software and hardware is required apart from a PC with internet connection. The developed VR facility can be used for a series of safeguards education and training activities; the whole facility can be the objective of design information verification, whereas the fuel storage areas can be used for training on sampling plan and use of NDA equipment. Given the flexibility of the VR tool, the facility can be further expanded and other education and training activities can be added in the future
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationInternational nuclear safeguards 2022
    PublisherIAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
    Number of pages7
    StatePublished - 2 Nov 2022
    Event2022 - Symposium on International Safeguards 2022: Reflecting on the Past and Anticipating the Future - IAEA, Vienna
    Duration: 31 Oct 20224 Nov 2022


    Other2022 - Symposium on International Safeguards 2022
    Abbreviated titleIAEASG2022
    Internet address

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