Development of proton-induced nuclear data library

Md Shafqat Amin Inan, Alexey Stankovskiy, Gert Van den Eynde

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    Proton-sublibraries of three general purpose nuclear data libraries ENDF/B VIII.0, JENDL5.0 and TENDL-2021 were assessed. Due to its effect on the safety of both equipment and personnel, production of neutrons from proton-induced reactions was studied in details. Neutron production cross-sections calculated from nuclide data files were compared with both integral and differential experimental data collected from the EXFOR database. A detailed methodology to select the most appropriate library for each of the target nuclides was developed, with the major criterion being the best agreement with the experimental data. This developed methodology was then used to make knowledgeable recommendations of the best library for 6 naturally abundant stable nuclides- 27Al, 52Cr, 56Fe, 60Ni, 115In and 181Ta. It was found that TENDL, the most comprehensive amongst the libraries, showed better performance in the integral data analysis, but JENDL clearly outperformed the other libraries in the differential data analysis, especially at backward scattering angles.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationMaster of Science
    Awarding Institution
    • IMT Atlantique - Campus de Nantes
    • Porta, Amanda, Supervisor, External person
    • Cabellos, Oscar, Supervisor, External person
    • Stankovskiy, Alexey, SCK CEN Mentor
    • Van den Eynde, Gert, SCK CEN Mentor
    Date of Award5 Sep 2023
    StatePublished - 17 Nov 2023

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