Diffusion des rejets atmospheriques dans la region de Mol - Tome 1

Henri Bultynck, Xavier De Maere D'aertrycke, Louis Malet

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The genaral theory developed by F. PASQUILL on atmospheric diffusion is applied to the discharges of the nuclear establishment of Mol, taking Into account the characteristics of the site.
    Five categories of thermal equilibrium are adopted and a separate approach is proposed for the cases of fumigation. The loss of material in the plumes due to settling, dry deposition and wash-out is considered and appropriate correction factors are adopted.
    A mathematical model is developed to treat the problem of possible contamination of the atmosphere and of the surface in the environments in case of releases of long duration. This model leads to the construction of polar diagrams of integrated concentrations in the air or average deposition on the ground.
    on the ground.
    A comprehensIve set of diagrams -s glven a separate sectlcn
    in order to faollltate the de term! nat i on of the diK'tlon factors.
    BLG 365/
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages72
    StatePublished - Dec 1965

    Publication series

    NameSCK CEN Reports
    PublisherSCK CEN

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