Eddy-current testing of thin-walled cladding tubes

Gilbert Verstappen, Richardus Deknock, R. Neider, Martinus Brabers

    Research outputpeer-review

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    In view of an extended programme on the evaluation of properties and defects of stainless-steel and Zircaloy thin-walled tubes, a basic study has been made of the optimum test conditions for applying eddy-current test rnethods.
    An electronic apparatus has been built to define these conditions for a
    great variety of test problems. Therefore, it was necessary to have the possibility
    of changing the frequence over a wide range and to measure the two components of the complex impedance of the test coil separately. This has the
    advantage over a measurement of the absolute value of the Impedance change
    since this value has little meaning in view of the change of the properties
    of the test object. The actual apparatus allows the precise and sensitive
    measurement of the real and imaginary components of any test coil in a frequency range from 0,1 - 5OO kHz. A special type of modulation device has
    been developed. The apparatus is not considered as an actual testing apparatus
    ; by determining optimum conditions for each case, it enables a reIatively simple and specific apparatus to be built.
    Up to now, a detailed study of relationships between physical and electrical
    properties of a specimen and the test-coil impedance has been performed
    for tubular fueI-cIadding materials. Frequency and coiI configurations
    are established for wall-thickness measurements and a particular apparatus
    has been constructed ; the accuracy is better than 1 % and changes between
    inner and outer diameter variations can be discriminated. Other specific
    apparatus are studied and proposed.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages21
    StatePublished - May 1965

    Publication series

    NameSCK CEN Reports
    PublisherSCK CEN

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