Effect of soil K-status and bentonite additions on radiocaesium transfer

Hildegarde Vandenhove, Adrien Cremers, Erik Smolders

    Research outputpeer-review


    The influence of bentonite additions and soil K status on radiocaesium transfer to ryegrass was investigated in a potted soil experiment. A sandy soil was contaminated with 134Cs and amended with K salts (0-97 mM kg-1) and K bentonite (0-2 %). After 4 weeks incubation of the mixtures, ryegrass was grown for 18 weeks and trimmed at 7 occasions. During subsequent harvests, the radiocaesium transfer factor (TF) decreased up to 2.7 fold in soils amended with more than 0.25 % bentonite whereas they increased 3.0 to 14.4 fold in unamended soils or at the lowest bentonite application (0.25 %). Different trends are related to the formation of specific sorption sites and the depletion in soil K which was more pronounced in soils with
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationRadiation Protection Colloques
    Subtitle of host publicationECORAD 2001: The Radioecology - Ecotoxicology of Continental and Estuatine Environments
    PublisherEDP Sciences
    Number of pages6
    StatePublished - 2002

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