Effective charges for E2 transitions in the 1f 7/2 and g 9/2 proton orbits

Jacques Vervier

Research outputpeer-review


The experimental reduced E2 transition probabilities for nuclei with protons in the 1 f 7/2 and 1 g 9/2 orbits and closed neutron shells are analysed by using an effective E2 transition operator, obtained by replacing; in the real E2 operator, the proton charge e by an effective charge ei larger than e. The agreement is satisfactory for 1 f 7/2 protons, and quite good for 1 g 9/2 protons, if one takes, for the latter nuclei, wave functions recently deduced from a detailed study the latter nuclei, wave functions recently deduced from a detailed study of their energy levels. The effective charges so obtained are 1.5 to 2 times larger than . Further experiments are suggested to check the calculations.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSCK CEN
Number of pages7
StatePublished - Sep 1964
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameSCK CEN Reports
PublisherSCK CEN

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