Efficiency Calibration of Well-type Germanium Detectors

Vaibhav Mishra, Michel Bruggeman

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    The use of highly efficient detectors increases the chances of simultaneous detectionThe gammarays from some of these nuclei from profound cascade-summing in high eciency detection systems like well-type Ge detectors and need to be corrected for these effects in order to calculate their true activities and efficiencies. Since the lab basically deals with Lowlevel Radioactivity Measurements (LRM), switching over to detection systems with lower eciency isn't really an option. Hence, to correct for cascade-summing is an absolute necessity. Currently, the task of calculation of coincidence correction factors is a meticulous process (mathematically speaking) and has been handled with the use of software like EFFTRAN and GESPECOR. The use of EFFTRAN has been limited to coaxial HPGe detectors and it cannot be used for well-type Ge detectors. This is where GESPECOR comes in handy, and takes over the problem. The abilities of GESPECOR have been tested in calculation of coincidence summing correction factors Fc for measurements made inside as well as outside the well of the well-type Germanium detector.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • ENSTA - École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées Paris
    • Verheyen, Leen, SCK CEN Mentor
    • Bruggeman, Michel, Supervisor
    Place of PublicationParis, France
    StatePublished - 31 Aug 2013

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