Element dependent environmental input parameters for the biosphere model: Project near surface disposal of category A waste at Dessel

    Research outputpeer-review


    The present report is one of three reports constituting the “DATA-LT(BIO)” part of the safety case, that develop input parameters for the biosphere model and underpin the data collection forms (DCF) for biosphere aspects. It defines and justifies values for key biosphere parameters such as solid-liquid distribution coefficients in soil, soil-to-plant transfer factors, and animal transfer factors. A thorough literature search was performed to obtain data, and data were only included in the compilation when their origin was considered sufficiently reliable. Best estimate values are reported with their respective uncertainties and compared with best estimates reported elsewhere. The data analysis was conducted according to the SCK•CEN work instruction 178-INS-0001 for the completion of data collection forms (DCF). Additionally, this report addresses some less important parameters – i.e. translocation factors and aquatic transfer parameters. Values for those parameters are adopted primarily from existing data sources. The parameters elaborated in the present report are all used as an input to the biosphere model (QUAL-LT(BIO) – Biosphere model report). Furthermore, the solid-liquid distribution coefficients in soil, soil-to-plant transfer factors and animal transfer factors for cattle feed into residence type human intrusion scenarios (QUAL-LT(INT) – Model assumptions for assessing inadvertent human intrusion into the Dessel near surface repository from an isolation perspective).
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages316
    StatePublished - 30 Nov 2018

    Publication series

    NameNIROND-TR reports
    VolumeNIROND-TR 2008-26E V3

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