Energy and angular dependence of radiophotoluminescent glass dosemeters for eye lens dosimetry

Edilaine Honorio da Silva, Zeljka Knezevic, Lara Struelens, Peter Covens, Filip Vanhavere, Satoshi Ueno, Nico Buls

    Research outputpeer-review


    Recent studies demonstrated that lens opacities can occur at lower radiation doses than previously accepted. In view of these studies, the International Commission of Radiological Protection recommended in 2011 to reduce the eye lens dose limit from 150 mSv/y to 20 mSv/y. This implies in the need of monitoring doses received by the eye lenses. In this study, small rod radiophotoluminescent glass dosemeters (GD-300 series; AGC, Japan) were characterized in terms of their energy (ISO 4037 X-rays narrow spectrum series, S-Cs and S-Co) and angular dependence (0 up to 90 degrees, with 2 ISO energies: N-60 and S-Cs). All acquisitions were performed at SCK•CEN—Belgium, using the ORAMED proposed cylindrical phantom. For selected energies (N-60, N-80, N-100, N-120 and N-250), the response of dosemeters irradiated on the ISO water slab phantom, at the Ruđer Bošković Institute—Croatia, was compared to those irradiated on the cylindrical phantom. GD-300 series showed good energy dependence, relative to S-Cs, on the cylindrical phantom. From 0 up to 45 degrees, the dosemeters showed no significant angular dependence, regardless whether they were tested when placed vertically or horizontally on the cylindrical phantom. However, at higher angles, some angular dependence was observed, mainly when the dosemeters were irradiated with low-energy photons (N-60). Results showed that GD-300 series have good properties related to Hp(3), although some improvements may be necessary.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)208-212
    JournalRadiation protection dosimetry
    Issue number1-4
    StatePublished - 3 May 2016

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