ENETRAP II: development of European reference training schemes for RPE's and RPO's

Michèle Coeck, Paul Livolsi, Siegurd Möbius, Annemarie Schmitt-Hannig, Elena Fantuzzi, Folkert Draaisma, Marisa Marco, Joanne Stewart, Peter De Regge, Pedro Vaz, Peter Zagyvay, Mihail Ceclan, Gaston Meskens

    Research outputpeer-review


    ENETRAP II, aims at developing reference standards and good practices for education and training programmes for radiation protection experts and officers, reflecting the needs of these professionals in all sectors where ionising radiation is applied. The introduction of a radiation protection training passport as a mean to facilitate efficient and transparent European mutual recognition of these professionals is another ultimate deliverable of this project. It is envisaged that the outcome of ENETRAP II will be instrumental for the cooperation between regulators, training providers and customers (nuclear industry, research, non-nuclear industry, etc.) in reaching harmonisation of the requirements for, and the education and training of, radiation protection experts and officers within Europe, and will stimulate building competence and career development in radiation protection to meet the demands of the future.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Third European IRPA Congress
    Place of PublicationHelsinki, Finland
    StatePublished - Sep 2010
    EventIRPA 2010 - 3th European IRPA Congress : Encouraging Sustainability in Radiation Protection - Finland - IRPA : International Radiation Protection Agency, Helsinki
    Duration: 14 Jun 201018 Jun 2010


    ConferenceIRPA 2010 - 3th European IRPA Congress : Encouraging Sustainability in Radiation Protection - Finland
    Internet address

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