Environmental contamination by the NORM industry: challenges for radioecology

    Research outputpeer-review


    Apart from the obvious presence of naturally occurring radionuclides (NORs) in uranium deposits, a wide range of uranium- and thorium-bearing minerals (and daughters) are being mined and processed commercially. Enhanced levels of NORs may be associated with abandoned waste dumps, installations and surroundings from certain industries, involved in the extraction or processing of raw materials containing NORs. This can result in considerable exposure to the public and affect the environment. The most prominent examples in Europe are, apart from the residues of uranium mining and milling, the waste generated by the phosphate processing industry, the scales from the oil and gas extraction industry, the ashes from the power production from coal and the slag produced by the metal mining and smelting industry.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication4th International Symposium on In Situ Nuclear Metrology as a Tool for Radioecology
    Place of PublicationRabat, Morocco
    StatePublished - 13 Oct 2008
    Event4th International Symposium on In Situ Nuclear Metrology as a Tool for Radioecology - Rabat
    Duration: 13 Oct 200816 Oct 2008


    Conference4th International Symposium on In Situ Nuclear Metrology as a Tool for Radioecology

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