Epigenetic, metabolic, and signal transduction pathways involved in radiation response of normal and transformed thyrocytes

Khalil Abouelaradat, Paul Jacquet

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    In this PhD, we were interested to investigate the effect of a range of external X-ray doses covering the low to high on Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (PTC) cells with a RET/PTC translocation, on thyroid cells with a RET/PTC translocation but no discernable PTC morphology, and on normal thyroids. We chose a range of doses from 62.5 mGy to 4 Gy as it falls within the range of doses to the thyroid received by residents of the areas surrounding the Chernobyl NPP site (90 mGy to 12 Gy). By using an array of high-throughput techniques, we have identified the difference in the response of these three thyroid systems.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Universiteit Gent
    • Baatout, Sarah, Supervisor
    Place of PublicationGent, Belgium
    Print ISBNs9789059894846
    StatePublished - 21 Nov 2011

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