Essai de marche en puissance de la centrale nucléaire BR3 en présence de bore dans le circuit primaire: Deuxieme partie : marche avec 400 ppm de bore

M. Gueben, P. Stacquet, J.P. Contzen, Frans De Greef, G. Beuken

    Research outputpeer-review

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    A BR3 power production test with a higher boron concentration was undertaken with a view to confirm and complete the results already obtained during a previous test with boron (cf. BLG 205)
    Preliminary calculations concerning the dynamic behaviour of the reactor -controlled by 400 ppm of boron - in case of load transfer symptoms and the study already published on the safe functioning of these reactors with boron (boric acid) present, showed that the test would be perfectly feasible. Also the most encouraging results obtained while working with a low boron concentration, allowed the orientation of the test towards a double objective:
    1) A continious supervision of the primary water chemistry and radiochemistry, the core reactivity during normal operation, and also a systematic examination of the phenomena noted after removal of the poison assured the perfect safety of this method of control from the threefoid point of view : core reactivity, air and water radioactivity, and corrosion of the primary circuits.
    2) An experimental chemical control programme permitted the compensation of various slow transitory symptoms : Xe poisoning when starting after a short or long stationary period, compensation of fuel burn-p and Sm poisoning, all operations during which the reactor has been controlled uninterruptedly for several days only by altering the concentration of the boron and without moving the control rods.
    Because chemical control offers, apart from safety factors, suppleness, ease and economy, the possibility of initially storing a much larger quantity of reactivity - which makes a longer core life for future reactors possible - the hope of a very promising future is surely confirmed.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages35
    StatePublished - Mar 1964

    Publication series

    NameSCK CEN Reports
    PublisherSCK CEN

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