Establishing local workplace field correction factors for neutron personal dosemeters

    Research outputpeer-review


    The present personal neutron dosemeters still need local correction factors to be able to provide accuracy comparable with photon dosemeters. Characterisation of the local neutron field is an indispensable part of neutron dosimetry to obtain such correction factors. It is often overlooked that besides characterisation in the neutron energy also the directional distribution of neutrons plays a crucial part in this characterisation. The authors have done such characterisation in the energy and angle for four workplace fields in Paks NPP. For this a relatively simple approximation method was used using the Nprobe for the energy distribution and measurements on the six sides of the slab phantom with personal dosemeters for the directional distribution. This allowed one to estimate a reference neutron Hp(10) rate and to compare it with the response of several neutron personal dosemeters.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)307-311
    JournalRadiation protection dosimetry
    Issue number1-4
    StatePublished - Oct 2014
    EventNEUDOS 2013 -12th Symposium on Neutron and Ion Dosimetry - IRSN- Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, Aix-en-provence
    Duration: 3 Jun 20137 Jun 2013

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