Etude du comportement chimico-hydro-mécanique des argiles raides dans le contexte du stockage de déchets radioactifs

Xuan Phu Nguyen, Xiang Ling Li, Arnaud Dizier

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    The present research aims to understand the chemo-hydro-mechanical behavior of stiff clays through two geological formations, the Boom Clay and the Ypresian Clays which are considered as possible host formations for the radioactive wastes disposal in Belgium. The volume change behavior was studied in both intact and reconstituted states, and under different conditions. The results show that the volume change behavior is governed by the competition between the physico-chemical effect and the mechanical effect, characterized by a threshold stress which corresponds to the swelling stress in terms of structure changes. A constitutive law was developed to capture this aspect. The permeability was determined, compared with the results in literature and correlated with the parameters as void ratio. The permeability variation with depth shows the important role of macro-pores in fluids' transfer. The volume change behavior and permeability of intact Boom Clay and Ypresian Clays are also influenced by porewater chemical composition changes which modify the diffuse double layer and give rise to the aggregation of clay particles. The elastic parameters, yield curve and failure envelope were identified. A conceptual elasto-plastic model was developed, accounting for the swelling effects and the competition tween the physico-chemical effect and the mechanical effect.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Université Paris-Est
    • Cui, Yuyun, Supervisor, External person
    Place of PublicationParis, France
    StatePublished - Mar 2013

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