“EuradScience”, a Network of research organisations for radioactive waste management science within Europe

Christophe Bruggeman, Marcus Altmaier, Dirk Bosbach, Sergey Churakov, Daniel Galson, Bernd Grambow, F. McEvoy, Thorsten Stumpf

    Research outputpeer-review


    Founded in December 2018, EURADScience is an independent, cross-disciplinary, inclusive network with the aim of ensuring long-term scientific excellence and credibility in radioactive waste management. Among the 25 founding members are representatives of nationally funded research organisations, smaller consultancy firms, and academia. EURADScience’s Vision is to maintain a holistic view of relevant scientific disciplines and provide scientific excellence to advance progress of national radioactive waste management programmes and establish credibility of waste management concepts. EURADScience will work closely with complementary networks such as IGDTP (the Implementing Geological Disposal Technology Platform, established and led by waste management organisations) and SITEX (a network of technical support organisations to national regulators). EURADScience will also cooperate closely with the new European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management (termed EURAD), and will take a lead on developing new research proposals within its sphere of expertise.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEURADWASTE ’19 Conference Proceedings
    Place of PublicationLuxembourg
    PublisherEuropean Commission
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Electronic)978-92-79-98750-2
    StatePublished - 1 Jun 2020
    Event2019 - FISA 2019 and EURADWASTE ’19: 9th European Commission Conference on EURATOM Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems - Pitesti
    Duration: 4 Jun 20197 Jun 2019


    Conference2019 - FISA 2019 and EURADWASTE ’19
    Internet address

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