European intercomparison on the measurement of l-131 in thyroid of adults and children

Anne Laure Lebacq, Mirela Angela Saizu, Masa Takahashi, Mats Isaksson, Borja Bravo, J. Brose, L. Csizmadia, Pavel Fojtík, Julia Kövendiné-Kónyi, Günter Lünendonk, Oliver Meisenberg, N. Mosimann, Jakub Osko, Annamária Pántya, Dominique Saurat, Gabriella Taba, T. Torvela, Zoltán Vagfoldi, Ignazio Vilardi, Isabelle VuMike Youngman, Petro Zoriy, Tiffany Beaumont, Didier Franck, David Broggio

Research outputpeer-review


In case of a nuclear reactor accident affecting a large population the internal contamination of the workers and the public can be assessed through in vivo measurements. Since iodine-131 is one of the most important releases and since it is of health concern, thyroid monitoring of this radionuclide is of special interest. Intercomparisons of thyroid in vivo measurements usually focus on the adult case. Here we report about a European intercomparison exercise for spectroscopic devices. Three sets of thyroid phantoms of unknown activity were circulated, representing the following ages: 5 years-old, 10 years-old and the adult. Nineteen institutions from twelve countries in Europe took part in an intercomparison exercise. Twenty-nine measurement devices have been tested. In the adult case, 5 results were outside the acceptance criteria and 10 in the 10-years old case. In the 5 years-old case, the result was not reported for one measurement device and 11 results were outside the acceptance criteria. Devices that have been tested during this intercomparison now dispose of calibration coefficients for the three age groups.
Original languageEnglish
Article number106178
Pages (from-to)1-5
Number of pages5
JournalRadiation Measurements
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2019

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