European network of testing facilities for the quality checking of radioactive waste packages: Annual report 1995

Pierre Van Iseghem, G. Brunel, C. Lierse, A. Morales, R. Odoj, F. Troiani, M. Hugon

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The Network for Quality Checking of Waste Packages, further abbreviated "the Network" has been created in 1992 on the initiative of the European Commission. Its objectives are to promote and facilitate collaboration in the development, application and standardization of quality checking for waste packages. The Network involves laboratories of the European Union member states that are performing regulatory checks on waste packages.This is the first report describing the status of the Network. An important part of this report discusses the creation, objectives and organisation of the Network. Next, the status of the various technical actions, as organised in working groups is discussed. The status is presented until beginning 1996.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages31
    StatePublished - 1997

    Publication series

    NameNuclear science and technology
    PublisherEuropean Commussion
    ISSN (Print)1018-5593

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