Evaluation Guide for the Evaluated Spent Nuclear Fuel Assay Database (SFCOMPO)

Mireille Gysemans, P. Ortego, D. Boulanger, I. Gauld, M. Hennebach, D. Mennerdahl, J.C. Neuber, C. TORE, S. Tittelbach, S. Van Winckel, Hans-Urs Zwicky

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The Expert Group on Assay Data for Spent Nuclear Fuel (EGADSNF) of the Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety (WPNCS) under the auspices of the NEA Nuclear Science Committee was set up with the objective of compiling and evaluating experimental data on the nuclide compositions of irradiated nuclear fuel. This guide defines the evaluation document format and data review procedures for evaluators tasked with reviewing the experimental data. Guidance is developed to provide recommended procedures and criteria developed by experts in the field on how to perform standardised reviews, how to identify potential problems in the measurement data and gaps in the experimental description, and provide guidance on how to resolve these issues, when
    possible, using a consistent technical basis. Procedures for deriving benchmark data and models from the experimental data are also covered by the guide.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationFrance
    PublisherOECD NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency
    Number of pages48
    ISBN (Print)NEA/NSC/R(2015)8
    StatePublished - Feb 2016

    Publication series

    NameNuclear Science NEA
    PublisherOECD Nuclear Energy Agency

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