Evolution of the uranium concentration in dissolution experiments with Cr (Pu) doped UO2 in reducing conditions at SCK CEN

Research outputpeer-review


Cr-doped UO2-based model materials were prepared at SCK CEN, mimicking modern LWR fuels, to understand the influence of Cr doping on the spent fuel dissolution behaviour in geological repository conditions. Tests were carried out with four model materials: depleted UO2, Cr-doped depleted UO2, Pu-doped UO2 and Pu-Cr-doped UO2. Static dissolution experiments have been performed up to 4 months in autoclaves under 10 bar H2 pressure with a Pt/Pd catalyst in media at pH 13.5 and at pH 9. The Cr-doping appeared to reduce the U concentrations by a factor 6 at pH 13.5, but it had no or not much effect at pH 9.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)84-89
Number of pages6
JournalMRS Advances
StatePublished - 18 Mar 2021
Event2020 - MRS: Virtueal Fall Meeting & Exhibit - Online
Duration: 27 Nov 20204 Dec 2020

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