Executive summary of the level 5 report -Spent fuel dissolution in supercontainer conditions- reporting period 2009-2012 / ER-231

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This report corresponds to the executive summary of the level 5 topical report [ER-231] of the research plan RP.W&D.0060 (O/N reference LTBC03-SF-01), “Spent fuel dissolution in Supercontainer conditions: research programme 2009-2014”, as part of the framework agreement with O/N reference CCHO-2009-00940000 (SCK•CEN reference CO-90-08-2214-00). It highlights the most important results of leach experiments with depleted and Pu doped UO2 in cement waters, to determine the dissolution rate and mechanisms of these matrices reported in [ER-231]. These results are part of the scientific basis for the selection of reference dissolution rates of real spent fuel for performance calculations in the framework of the Safety and Feasibility Case 1 (SFC-1) [ER-150], concerning the geological disposal of radioactive waste according to the Supercontainer design.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSCK CEN
Number of pages49
StatePublished - Mar 2015

Publication series

NameSCK•CEN Reports
PublisherStudiecentrum voor Kernenergie

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