Experimental and theorical physics work on plutonium enriched LWR's lattices - Final report

L. Bindler, Leon Leenders, Hugo Van Den Broeck

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The Belgian Plutonium Recycle Programme was set up by Belgonucléaire and by SCK/CEN (Mol). lts aim is to look for the best conditions of recycling plutonium In thermal light water moderated reactors. In order to allow a concretization of the studies, the well definedcase of an existing reactor had to be chosen. Quite naturally the choice fell on the first Belgian (actually Belgian-French) large nuclear power plant : the 266 MWe PWR SENA reactor.
    The programme was carried out under Euratom contract (001-64-1 TRUB) until 1968. Since then it is supported financially by the Belgian Government.
    In the frame of the programme a wide range of problems is investigated : mixed oxide fuel development and fabrication, fuel behaviour under Irradiation, fuel management calculations, dynamical phenomena, etc.,, one of the main parts being a reactor physics programme, comprising experimental and theoretical work. The SCK/CEN has been charged with the experimental work, whereas Belgonucléaire is responsible for the theoretical interpretation of these experimental results and for codes development.
    The present report relates on the reactor physics work done under Euratom contract, with the exception of the studies made on subcritical lattices, treated In another final report. The other subjects studied In the frame of the Plutonium Recycle Programme are also discussed in separate topical reports.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages216
    StatePublished - Jun 1970

    Publication series

    NameSCK CEN report
    PublisherStudiecentrum voor Kernenergie
    ISSN (Print)1379-2407

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