Experimental determination of k0, Q0, Er factors and neutron cross-sections for 41 isotopes of interest in Neutron Activation Analysis

F. Farina Arboccò, Peter Vermaercke, Katrien Smits, Liesel Sneyers, K. Strijckmans

Research outputpeer-review


The k0-literature has been reviewed every decade but some of its nuclear data is still more than 30 years old. Sometimes Q0 values were adopted from the nuclear data at that time or were experimentally determined by only 1 laboratory. Other isotopes were listed with accurate pairs of (k0, Q0) values but were also quoted as candidates for redetermination for different reasons (i.e. imprecise cadmium transmission factors, half-lives). In this work we aim at the experimental re-determination of k0 and Q0 values for 41 isotopes of analytical interest while introducing a methodology for simultaneous Er and Q0 determination employing N irradiation channels. In order to satisfy the metrological level required, up to 12 repeats per standard were irradiated in up to 4 irradiation channels of the Belgian Reactor 1 (BR1, SCK•CEN) having a wide spread in neutron characteristics. Our relative percentile differences to the literature values were usually B10 % for Q0 factors, C25 % for Er values and B4 % for k0 values. Our precision and accuracy are discussed thoroughly.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)931-938
JournalJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Issue number2
StatePublished - 28 Aug 2012

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