Experimental determination of k0, Q0 factors, effective resonance energies and neutron cross-sections for 37 isotopes of interest in NAA

F. Farina Arbocco, Peter Vermaercke, Katrien Smits, Liesel Sneyers, K. Strijckmans

Research outputpeer-review


The recommended k0 nuclear data from 2003 has been re-investigated by some authors during the last decade, motivated by some discrepancies that were systematically observed during the analysis of reference materials. Their significant findings have not been included (yet) on a newer compilation, as it is difficult to draw conclusions on the accuracy of k0 and Q0 factors when the statistical population of independent experimental values are quite scarce. In some cases, a strong correlation to the adopted Q0 factor means that a direct comparison between the results of different authors is not possible if the data required for a proper renormalization was not provided. At the SCK-CEN and UGent (Belgium) we would like to continue with the experimental k0 determination exercises performed during the last years and to supply to the k0- community with the nuclear data of 37 additional target isotopes, for a total of 77 isotopes investigated since 2012. The isotopes were investigated on up to 4 channels of the BR1 reactor at the SCK-CEN, obtaining values with \2.6 % uncertainty. Our results are discussed and compared to the literature elsewhere.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)655-672
JournalJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Issue number1
StatePublished - 19 Jul 2014

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