Experimental thermal-hydraulic R&D achievements and needs for MYRRHA

Research outputpeer-review


MYRRHA is a flexible fast-spectrum pool-type research reactor cooled by lead bismuth eutectic (LBE), under development at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN). The research and development program (R&D) supports both the design and the safety assessment of the reactor in view of pre-licensing. The R&D activities aim to bridge the knowledge gap in several areas like fuel behaviour, LBE chemistry, radiological release, material-coolant compatibility, and thermal-hydraulics. It is needed to increase the confidence in the prediction of the reactor response in different scenarios. In this context, thermal-hydraulic experiments are necessary at different scales. Separate-effect tests allow the investigation of basic phenomena like turbulent heat transfer in liquid metals. Prototypical tests provide a direct confirmation of the thermal-hydraulic behaviour of a given component. Integral tests represent the dynamic evolution of the system accounting for the interaction between components. Thus, a complete study requires many experimental facilities that focus on specific features and need specific instrumentation, supported by numerical simulations. Apart from the experimental and simulation work at SCK CEN, MYRRHA also relies strongly on collaboration with partner research institutions worldwide. This article covers the main achievements from in-house thermal-hydraulic experiments in recent years and outlines further needs identified for the near future. Examples of completed experiments on fuel assembly and pool thermal-hydraulics and ongoing activities related to key components such as the primary heat exchanger and primary pump are presented.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUnknown
PublisherIAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
Number of pages10
StateAccepted/In press - Sep 2022
Event2022 - IAEA Technical meeting on state-of-the-art thermal hydraulics of fast reactors - C.R. ENEA, Camugnano
Duration: 26 Sep 202230 Sep 2022

Publication series

NameProceedings Series - International Atomic Energy Agency


Conference2022 - IAEA Technical meeting on state-of-the-art thermal hydraulics of fast reactors
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