Experiments and numerical model studies on interfaces: EURAD ACED Deliverable D2.5

Guido Deissmann, Naila Ait Mouheb, Christelle Martin, Maria J. Turrero, Elena Torres Alvarez, Bruno Kursten, Eef Weetjens, Diederik Jacques, James Cuevas, Javier Samper, Luis Montenegro, Markku Leivo, Mervi Somervuori, Leen Carpen

Research outputpeer-review

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This deliverable provides a structured overview on i) existing (experimental) data on relevant processes occurring at the interfaces, ii) information on natural/archaeological/industrial analogues that provide insight/data for long-term processes relevant to the chemical evolution at the interfaces not accessible in short-term (laboratory) experiments, and iii) conceptual and mathematical models used to describe the processes occurring at the different interfaces. This information forms the basis for conceptualisation of the chemical evolution at these interfaces in the ACED tasks 2 to 4 and will be used to support model validation and parametrisation of models.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEURAD - European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management
Number of pages160
StatePublished - 12 May 2021

Publication series

NameEURAD Reports

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