Extracting complex linguistic data summaries from personnel database via simple linguistic aggregations

Zheng Pei, Yang Xu, Da Ruan, Keyun Qin, Özgür Kabak

    Research outputpeer-review


    A linguistic data summary of a given data set is desirable and human consistent for any personnel department. To extract complex linguistic data summaries, the LOWA operator is used from fuzzy logic and some numerical examples are also provided in this paper. To obtain a complex linguistic data summary with a higher truth degree, genetic algorithms are applied to optimize the number and membership functions of linguistic terms and to select a part of truth degrees for aggregations, in which linguistic terms are represented by the 2-tuple linguistic representation model.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2325-2332
    JournalInformation Sciences
    Issue number14
    StatePublished - May 2009

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