Feasibility of ultrasonic inspection techniques for use in the MYRRHA reactor

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    In this master's thesis I will describe the state of the art of the research towards ultrasonic measurement methods for use in lead-bismuth cooled liquid metal reactors. The work is highly focused towards specific tasks in the MYRRHA system. As liquid metal is opaque to light, normal visual feedback during fuel manipulations in the reactor vessel is not available and must therefore be replaced by a system that is not hindered by the opacity of the coolant. I will give an overview of the acoustic properties of LBE and compare them with the properties of sodium and water to theoretically show the feasibility of ultrasonic systems operating in LBE. In the second part of the thesis I discuss the results of validation experiments in water and LBE. It will become clear that mechanical scanning is capable of producing acceptable images but that it is a time consuming process that is not fit to solve the initial task to providing feedback during manipulations in the reactor vessel.It is proposed to use several dedicated ultrasonic systems each adapted to a specific task and capable to provide real-time feedback of the ongoing manipulations, as is detailed in the final part of this thesis.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • KU Leuven
    • Bogaerts, Walter F., Supervisor, External person
    Place of PublicationMol, Belgium
    StatePublished - Feb 2014

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