Final report in short-term leaching experiments: PREDIS Milestone 48

Elena Torres Alvarez, Emmi Myllykylä, Maria Cruz Alonso, Raúl Fernández, Gianni Vettese, Boris Zlobenko, Lander Frederickx, Andrea Santi, Heléne Nonnet, Karine Ferrand

Research outputpeer-review

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MS 48 (MS6.10) summarizes most relevant results obtained from the short-term leaching tests conducted in the framework of task 6.6.2 according to WP6 leaching protocol, including leachate analyses and the post-mortem characterization of the solids. Additional leaching tests were carried out according to national requirements. Accelerated ageing of selected specimens was also performed by several partners. Complementarily to these tests, immersion tests were conducted in order to assess non-diffusive chemical and physical phenomena.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 28 Feb 2023

Publication series

NamePREDIS Reports
No.Milestone 48

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