Fonctionnement d'une centrale nucléaire de type PWF

H. Dresse , M. Gueben, L. Maesen, M. Potemans

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THE BR3, first Belgian nuclear power station, was brought into industrial operation on juanary 1, 1963, after a complete set of tests which were conducted to know the main characteristics of the plant.
During the entire year 1963, the station has been run without any difficulty and the power operation was very satisfactory. The behaviour of the equipment was quite good. The gross energy production at the end of 1963 reached 50 000 000 kWh. The utilization factor during the period of power operation was 72%.
Some special test were conducted, among which we must point out: incident simulation and the replacing of a main coolant system pump. The plant was also used for the theoretical and practical training of Belgian and foreign staff.
In order to extend the core life and to allow some experiments, the reactor was defuelled after 3800 E.F.P.H. It was then refuelled following a new core configuration. Eight new fuel assemblies, including a newly conceived fuel assembly containing some initially enriched plutonium dioxide fuel elements, were placed in the core. In general, the operation took place without any difficulty ; contamination and radiation exposure problems were limited to some extent due to, among other things, some pre-operative precautions.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSCK CEN
Number of pages52
StatePublished - Jun 1964
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameSCK CEN Reports
PublisherSCK CEN

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