FP7 MATTER: Deliverable 3.6 - Liquid Metal Corrosion Results. Part C: Experimental Results inFlowing LBE

Konstantza Lambrinou, Serguei Gavrilov, Joris Van den Bosch, Carsten Schroer, Valentyn Tsisar

    Research outputpeer-review


    Deliverable D3.6 presents the results of the liquid metal corrosion research carried out within the framework of FP7 Project MATTER, comparing them with the experimental data available in the open literature. In Part A of Deliverable D3.6, a critical review of the available in literature experimental data is presented, so as to set the background for the work done in FP7 Project MATTER. In Part B and Part C, the experimental data acquired in the framework of FP7 Project MATTER in static and flowing LBE conditions, respectively, are compiled and compared to the data in literature.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    Number of pages101
    StatePublished - 2015

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