FP7 PREPARE project. D3.3: Final Report including the Workshop conclusions prepared by the Task Force

Catrinel Turcanu, Johan Camps, Geert Olyslaegers, Nicolas Rossignol, T. Turtiainen, T. Peltonen, Sylvie Charron, Jean-François Lecomte, Vanessa Durand, Bruno Cessac, Sandra Lafage, Pascal Croüail, Thierry Schneider, Christophe Murith, Vassiliki Kamenopoulou, Vassiliki Tafili, C. Potiriadis, C. Hourdakis, Veronica Smith, Catherine OrganoChiara McMahon, E. van Asselt, P. Brandhoff, M. van Bourgondiën, C. Twenhöfel, A. Liland, Y. Tomkiv, M. Baptista, O. Gil, I. Lopes, M.J. Madruga, I. Paiva, M. Reis, P. Teles, P. Vaz, C. Trueba, M. Montero, R. Sala, A. Prades, E. Gallego, K. Jones, T. Cabianca, S. Holmes

    Research outputpeer-review

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    This report presents the final conclusions from the national stakeholder panels on contaminated goods organised in the framework of the FP7 project PREPARE, as well as the main conclusions from the international dissemination workshop of the related work package.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherIRSN - Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire
    Number of pages103
    StatePublished - Jan 2016

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