Fracture Toughness Test Results of Precracked Charpy Specimens of Irradiated 73W Weld Material

    Research output


    This work investigate the use of precracked Charpy specimens to predict fracture toughness behaviour of reactor pressure vessel steels,. Fracture toughness measurements were performed on the 73 W weld material previously tested by Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL). Charpy-size specimens were tested in three-point bend and compared with the original data obtained on large compact tension (CT) samples . Fracture toughness tests were performed in both unirradiated and irradiated conditions. Most of Charpy size samples were reconstituted from broken CT specimens. Fracture toughness data obtained using Charpy size samples are in good agreement with results from large CT samples. Moreover, the various temperatureshifts measured by the Charpy impact test data are in agreement with the fracture toughness shifts. Reconstitutions results in a decrease of the uppper shelf energy but has little effect on the other transiton parameters.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEffects of Radiation on Materials: 19th International Symposium
    ISBN (Electronic)978-0-8031-5419-3
    StatePublished - 1 Jan 2000

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