Frederica effects database update within the EMRAS-II programme: contributing to evaluate the environmental impact of ionizing radiation.

Almudena Real, Nele Horemans, L Newsome, A Oudalova, K Stark, C Willrodt, S Yoshida, Tom Hinton, Hildegarde Vandenhove, Hans Vanmarcke

    Research outputpeer-review


    The aim of IAEA EMRAS-II Programme is to improve capabilities to assess exposure levels to the public and the environment, to ensure an appropriate level of protection from detrimental effects of ionizing radiation. The objectives for WG6 (Biota Dose Effects Modelling) are: updating existing dose-effects databases, analysing dose-response relationships, developing models to evaluate the impact of exposures at the population level and investigate the effects of multiple stressors exposures. The final objective is to derive relationships between exposures to ionizing radiation and effects on wildlife. To update FREDERICA a literature survey was done, searching for new data published since 2006 and for Japanese and Russian literature. Over 600 papers were assembled, although not all of them were suitable for inclusion in the database. References newly included in FREDERICA went through a Quality Control analysis (QC), using the criteria established in the ERICA project. The objective was to determine whether or not the reference gives enough information to be used in the process of defining biological effect levels. The updated FREDERICA database constitutes the basis upon which EMRAS-II WG6 will develop new dose-response relationships and taxonomically-expanded screening level values.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)S695-S697
    Issue number6
    StatePublished - Dec 2011
    EventICRER 2011 - International Conference on Radioecology & & Environmental radioactivity - Environment & Nuclear Renaissance - Ontario, Hamilton
    Duration: 19 Jun 201124 Jun 2011

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