Fusion Programme SCK•CEN - Annual Report 2010

Vincent Massaut, Pierre Van Doorslaer

    Research outputpeer-review

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    In 2010 SCK•CEN centred his activities in fusion R&D around four main poles: • the studies of the first wall of future DEMO facility and plasma wall interactions, using the recently refurbished plasmatron VISIONI; • the study of the radiation resistance of optical and specific diagnostic components and the development and prototyping of a Fiber Optics Current Sensor (FOCS) for measuring Tokamak plasma current for long plasma pulses and without embarked electronics: • the further study, by irradiation and mechanical testing but also by modelling, of the future structural material for a fusion plant, the RAFM Eurofer and the development and characterization of ODS-Eurofer; • specific fusion socio-economic studies on fusion, based on the specific developments carried out for fusion and radioactive waste management. SCK•CEN is also strongly involved in the Broader Approach agreement as "Designated Institution" for the Belgian State, having a coordinating and managing role for all Belgian activities in this agreement. The present report is structured following the work programme 2010 of the Association. Some former activities form the old-EFDA have been grouped with new ones in coherent and collaborative packages. Most activities of SCK•CEN are, and have always been, carried out under EFDA task agreements.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages65
    StatePublished - Oct 2010

    Publication series

    NameSCK•CEN Reports
    PublisherStudiecentrum voor Kernenergie

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