Fusion Technology related studies at JET: Post-mortem tile analysis with MKII-HD geometry, In situ laser detritiation and Molecular Sieve Bed detritiation

Nicolas Bekris, Paul Coad, Christian Grisolia, Jari Likonen, Alexandre Semerok, Kris Dylst, Anna Widdowson

Research outputpeer-review


The JET Task Force Fusion Technology (TF-FT) has been launched with the aim of addressing issues related to JET and ITER. In this regard, studies related to the plasma–wall interactions identified erosion and deposition areas of the first wall of the vacuum vessel and provided the basis of our current knowledge on plasma–wall interaction processes at JET. In addition, characterisation of the properties of co-deposited layers covering the plasma exposed tiles have also been investigated and several detritiation techniques such as Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, or photon-cleaning have been successfully tested not only ex situ but also in situ. In the field of waste management, TF-FT also launched a series of tasks aiming at the detritiation of any kind of waste produced by a Fusion facility. Based on such studies it is now possible to scale up the developed detritiation facilities in order to be able to reach dimensions used at JET or ITER.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1356-1360
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
Issue number1-3
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2011
EventICFRM14 2009 - 14th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials - Japan - IAEA, Sapporo
Duration: 7 Sep 200912 Sep 2009

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