Gap Analysis - 31.5.2021 version Final: PREDIS Deliverable 2.2

Timothy Schatz, Erika Holt, Bernd Grambow, Maxime Fournier, David Lambertin, Thierry Mennecart, Ernst Niederleithinger

Research outputpeer-review

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This report summarises the combined findings of both phases of the gap analysis work which were conducted during the 2019 proposal preparation period and, in more in-depth fashion, during the first eight months of the project (September 2020 through April 2021). The phase 1 results influenced how the scope of the project was selected. The phase 2 results further refined the project scope and evaluated and prioritised additional topical gaps. The phase 2 outcomes are presented specific to the technical work packages of the PREDIS project representing metallic waste streams, liquid organic and solid organic waste streams and the monitoring and storage of cemented waste packages.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages68
StatePublished - 31 May 2021

Publication series

NamePREDIS Reports

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