Healthy buildings '95 - Proceedings - volume 2: Radon risk assessment via retrospective monitoring

Hans Vanmarcke, Stephan Oberstedt

    Research outputpeer-review


    Evidence for an increased lung-cancer risk due to the exposure of radon decay products is supported from different sources, e. g. epidemiological studies of radon exposed miners and animal studies. High radon concentrations are not limited to mines but can also be met in domestic environments [1,1]. For the risk assessment of residential radon there is a need to obtain reliable data on the radon exposure on a large time scale of typically about 20 years. As a retrospective radon monitor it has been proposed to measure the 210Po -activity implanted in glass-surfaces[3,4]. Since this signal depends on the plate-out of the short lived radon decay products it is strongly influenced by the attachment rate to aerosol particles and the fluctuations in plate-out rate due to local turbulences, the precision of this method is at best about a factor of 2 [5,6].
    Therefor, SCK CEN started measuring the 210Po -activity of the decay products deposited in volume traps, e.g. spongy materials used for mattresses. Since these materials have a long diffusion length for radon, but are inaccessable for its decay products, the signal should be better related to the radon exposure.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationHealth buildings '95 proceeding
    Number of pages8
    StatePublished - 1995
    Event1995 - International conference on healthy buildings in mild climate - Milan
    Duration: 10 Sep 199514 Sep 1995


    Conference1995 - International conference on healthy buildings in mild climate

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