High γ-ray dose radiation effects on the performances of Brillouin scattering based optical fiber sensors

Xavier Pheron, Sylvain Girard, Aziz Boukenter, Benoît Brichard, Sylvie Delépine-Lesoille, Johan Bertrand, Youcef Ouerdane

    Research outputpeer-review

    54 Scopus citations
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    The use of distributed strain and temperature in optical fiber sensors based on Brillouin scattering for the monitoring of nuclear waste repository requires investigation of their performance changes under irradiation. For this purpose, we irradiated various fiber types at high gamma doses which represented the harsh environment constraints associated with the considered application. Radiation leads to two phenomena impacting the Brillouin scattering: 1) decreasing in the fiber linear transmission through the radiation-induced attenuation (RIA) phenomenon which impacts distance range and 2) modifying the Brillouin scattering properties, both intrinsic frequency position of Brillouin loss and its dependence on strain and temperature. We then examined the dose dependence of these radiation-induced changes in the 1 to 10 MGy dose range, showing that the responses strongly depend on the fiber composition. We characterized the radiation effects on strain and temperature coefficients, dependencies of the Brillouin frequency, providing evidence for a strong robustness of these intrinsic properties against radiations. From our results, Fluorine-doped fibers appear to be very promising candidates for temperature and strain sensing through Brillouin-based sensors in high gamma-ray dose radiative environments.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)26978-26985
    Number of pages8
    JournalOptics Express
    Issue number24
    StatePublished - 19 Nov 2012

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

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