High level radioactive waste package – Characterization of glass-steel-buffer interaction experiments: EURAD-ACED Deliverable 2.12

S. Gin, Alexis Delanoë, Florent Tocino, Karine Ferrand, Jules Goethals, Jérôme Sterpenich, Margit Fábián

Research outputpeer-review

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The main objective of the ACED work package (Assessment of Chemical Evolution of ILW and HLW Disposal Cells) in EURAD is to improve methodologies to obtain multi-scale quantitative models for the description of the chemical evolution at the disposal cell scale and to derive robust mathematical models including the most relevant processes. For the interface and waste package scale, existing data on materials and material interfaces are combined with data from running experiments at the beginning of the project and dismantled during the course of the project as well as few complementary new experimental set-ups for evaluating the process integration methodology. While the interface scale investigations concentrate on steel-cement and steel-clay interfaces, long-term concrete degradation and implications of waste degradation are the focus at the waste package scale. This report provides - a detailed overview of the selected existing experimental data with details on the used materials and methods, - Results from solid and liquid characterization and their interpretation in terms of relevant mechanisms involved in the interaction between glass and surrounding materials. - information that could be useful for modelling purposes.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEURAD - European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management
Number of pages95
StatePublished - 4 May 2023

Publication series

NameSCK CEN Reports
PublisherEURAD - European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management
No.EURAD Reports; no. D2.12

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