High loaded and high density fuel irradiations within the EU QUALIFY project

Stefan Holmström, Jared Wight, Ann Leenaers, Silva Kalcheva, B. Baumeister, Bertrand Stepnik, Cyrille Rontard, Yoann Calzavara, Stephane Valance

Research outputpeer-review


Under the umbrella of the HERACLES consortium, three HPRR fuel system concepts are being pursued. These high density fuels intended for the conversion of the European High Performance Research Reactors (EU-HPRR) are high loaded LEU fuels based on the UMo monolithic, UMo dispersed and U3Si2 developed during consecutive HERACLES coordinated EU-projects, including the recently completed LEU-FOREVER and the ongoing EU-QUALIFY project .
The most resent irradiation programs supporting the development and qualification of the above mentioned fuel systems will be executed in the framework of the EU QUALIFY project. These irradiation experiments, with differences in their technology readiness level (TRL), are well in progress and are scheduled to take place in the BR2 reactor (Mol, Belgium) in 2023 and 2024. The irradiation experiments are named according to the irradiation device: the FUTURE-5 basket or a Mixed Element in the design of a BR2 fuel assembly. The experiments are FUTURE-MONO 1 (UMo monolithic) , E-FUTURE 3 (UMo dispersed) and the silicide Mixed-Elements ME-DEUS and ME-CHARTREUSE.
This paper describes the fuel system specific irradiation plans, neutronic pre-calculations and the foreseen impact on the TRL and reactor specific conversion targets.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRRFM European Research Reactor Conference 2023
Place of PublicationAntwerp, Belgium
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)978-92-95064-39-3
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2023
Event2023 - RRFM: European Research Reactor Conference - ENS - Radisson Blu Astrid Hotel, Antwerp
Duration: 16 Apr 202320 Apr 2023


Conference2023 - RRFM
Abbreviated titleRRFM
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